Seven cassette tape box set with a mixture of double albums, standard cases, O-cards and Maltese cross packs
Produced for DJ Sabrina and her Pentalogy box set collection
Four cassette tape box set with black foil print lid and base, and custom foam insert to hold cassette tapes
Produced for Witch Cat Records and their 'The Quarantine Tapes Volume 2' release
White A5 presentation boxes with a cassette tape and CD jewel case inside
Produced for Hooli Hansen on the Gourmet Deluxxx label
Dream Catalogue ten cassette tape boxset with silver foil lid printing
With ten different cassette shell colours
Quadruple cassette tape box set with full colour UV-LED lid printing and custom foam insert to hold cassette tapes
Produced for Geometric Lullaby and their 'Collections' release
Brown Manila six tape box set with custom foam insert and orange foil lid printing
Produced for Qingdao Market and their 'Authentic Goods' cassette tape box set
A double cassette box set in an A5 black preentation box with copper hot foil lid printing
Produced for Ainara LeGardon and her 'Res-cue' mix tape release
Six cassette tape box set with foil lid and base print and custom foam insert to hold cassette tapes
Produced for Telepath
Triple cassette tape box set of tangerine orange, turquoise and red tapes and black A5 presentation boxes
Produced for Fever beat by Greenmindz
CStrikeZ INS collection triple cassette tape black A5 boxset with black foil lid print
Produced for Revorg Records
Double cassette tape boxset with obi strips on the tapes, packed in boxes with gold and silver foil lids and with a metallic card insert with spot gloss UV print
Produced for Da Flyy Hooligan
Custom six cassette tape box set
Produced for the Sleep Center Disk 1 set for No Problema Tapes
Six cassette tape box set with foil lid and base print and custom foam insert to hold cassette tapes
Produced for Telepath
Five cassette tape box set with foil lid print, custom slip case, and custom foam insert to hold cassette tapes.
Produced for Aloe City Records and their 'Macroblank' release.
Six cassette tape box set with turquoise foil lid print
Produced for New World Order and their Boxset Vol.1 release
Six cassette tape box set with white foil lid and base print and custom foam insert to hold cassette tapes
Produced for Telepath
Five cassette tape box set with foil lid print, custom slip case, and custom foam insert to hold cassette tapes.
Produced for Aloe City Records and their 'Macroblank' release.
Quadruple cassette tape box set with full colour UV-LED lid printing and custom foam insert to hold cassette tapes
Produced for Geometric Lullaby and their 'Collections' release
Triple cassette tape boxset with A5 booklet and custom cardboard inserts, plus full colour printed all-over wrap boxes
Produced for the Pet Shop Boys and their 'Smash' release on Warner Records
Brown Manila six tape box set with custom foam insert and orange foil lid printing
Produced for Qingdao Market and their 'Authentic Goods' cassette tape box set
White cassette tape presentation box with a magenta foil lid print and six tapes inside
Produced for The Vape Council Vol. 1-6 release on DIY Records
White A5 presentation boxes with a cassette tape and CD jewel case inside
Produced for Hooli Hansen on the Gourmet Deluxxx label
Brown Manila A5 presentation boxes for two cassette tapes
Produced for Isvisible Isinvisible and his 'indexOf (vol.8+4)' release
Double cassette tape box sets in silver and gold foil printed boxes
Produced for Nostromo and their 'Selective Discography' double album release
Black A5 box sets with a gold foil lid print and mirror gold cassettes and transparent edge CDs in cases within
Produced for the 'No One Mourns The Wicked' release by Conway The Machine on the Gourmet Deluxxx label
D12 quadruple cassette tape box set
In an A4 presentation box with black lid foil print and custom foam inserts
A5 black box set with black foil lid print, three cassette tapes and custom printed insert
Produced for CstrikeZ on Revorg Records
CStrikeZ INS collection triple cassette tape black A5 boxset with black foil lid print
Produced for Revorg Records
Ten cassette tape box set with gold foil lid printing
Cassette tape and CD box set with gold foil print lid and custom foam insert
Produced for Ante Inferno
A4 quad cassette tape box set with silver foil lid printing
Produced for Girih: Iranian Sound Artists on Opal Tapes
Cassette tape and CD jewel case box set in A5 presentation box with a black foil lid print
Produced for M.A.V & Rob Gates 'The Dark Side of Nature' release on the GourmetDeluxxx label
Triple cassette tape box sets in solid white printed boxes
Produced for Time Slave Recordings and their 'Odyssey of Noise' release
Quadruple cassette tape box set with full colour UV-LED lid printing and custom foam insert to hold cassette tapes
Produced for Geometric Lullaby and their 'Collections' release
Custom six cassette tape box set
Produced for the Sleep Center Disk 1 set for No Problema Tapes
Triple cassette tape boxset with A5 booklet and custom cardboard inserts, plus full colour printed all-over wrap boxes
Produced for the Pet Shop Boys and their 'Smash' release on Warner Records
Five cassette tape box set with foil lid print, custom slip case, and custom foam insert to hold cassette tapes.
Produced for Aloe City Records and their 'Macroblank' release.
Double cassette tape box set with turquoise lid printing
Double cassette tape A5 black box set with printed inserts and gold foil lid print
Produced for 'The Dreamcatcher Tapes Volumes 1 & 2' from The Eccentronic Research Council
Seven cassette tape box set with a mixture of double albums, standard cases, O-cards and Maltese cross packs
Produced for DJ Sabrina and her Pentalogy box set collection
Silver foil printed triple cassette tape box set
Produced for Drottnar and their 'Monolith' release
Cassette tape and CD box set with gold foil print lid and custom foam insert
Produced for Ante Inferno
CD digipaks and matching twin cassette tapes in presentation boxes with gold foil printed lids
Produced for Articulus metal band from Norway
Brown Manila six tape box set with orange foil lid printing
Produced for Qingdao Market and their 'Authentic Goods' cassette tape box set
Close-up of copper metallic foil printing on a black A4 quad cassette tape presentation box
Copper metallic foil printing on a black A4 quad cassette tape presentation box
Four cassette tape box set with black foil print lid and base, and custom foam insert to hold cassette tapes
Produced for Witch Cat Records and their 'The Quarantine Tapes Volume 2' release
Brown Manila six tape box set with orange foil lid printing
Produced for Qingdao Market and their 'Authentic Goods' cassette tape box set
Four cassette tape box set with black foil print lid and base, and custom foam insert to hold cassette tapes
Produced for Witch Cat Records and their 'The Quarantine Tapes Volume 2' release
Triple cassette tape boxset in brown Manila A5 presentation boxes with a gold foil lid print
Produced for Laraaji by the Warp Records label
Triple cassette tape boxset with A5 booklet and custom cardboard inserts, plus full colour printed all-over wrap boxes
Produced for the Pet Shop Boys and their 'Smash' release on Warner Records
Brown Manila six tape box set with orange foil lid printing
Qingdao Market Authentic Goods cassette tape box sets
Triple cassette tape box set in a black box with silver foil lid printing
Produced for Philter and his trilogy of Norwegian electronic music
Six cassette tape box set with foil lid and base print and custom foam insert to hold cassette tapes
Produced for Telepath
She Past Away double cassette tape box set with silver foil lid printing
Black A4 presentation box for four cassette tapes with silver foil lid and base printing
Produced for My Pet Flamingo and their 'A Vaporwave Anniversary 10' release
Four cassette tape box set with black foil print lid and base, and custom foam insert to hold cassette tapes
Produced for Witch Cat Records and their 'The Quarantine Tapes Volume 2' release
Triple cassette tape box set with gold foil lid printing
Produced for Data Airlines
Cassette tape and CD box set with gold foil print lid and custom foam insert
Produced for Ante Inferno
Seven cassette tape box set with a magenta foil lid print, showing the empty foam insert
Produced for DJ Sabrina and her Pentalogy box set collection
King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard six cassette tape box set with full colour lid printing
Produced for Needlejuice
King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard six cassette tape box set with full colour lid printing
Produced for Needlejuice
Six cassette tape box set with white foil lid and base print and custom foam insert to hold cassette tapes
Produced for Telepath
Triple cassette tape box sets in gold foil printed boxes
Produced for Deadly Sinth Records and their 'Lucy in Disguise' release